Tuesday Treasures

Easter is almost upon us! How is it spring already? I guess because it never snowed I don't feel like we're properly done with winter yet (I can feel people shaking their fists at me as I type) but the sunshine and smell of freshly cut lawns is rather lovely. Daffodils aren't too bad either.

I'm a spring baby (actually, my birthday is on Easter every once and awhile) so I'm always fond of this time of the year. When I was a little kid, we used to have Easter Egg hunts for my birthday parties, usually rather soggy due to April weather. Fun times nevertheless. While I won't have any Easter Egg hunting this year (being an adult is overrated) I will dye eggs like I have since I was a kid. I'll be posting my lovely eggies later this week!

Here's my Easter Themed Tuesday Treasures!


Have a lovely short-week everyone! Any big plans for Easter?

Tuesday Treasures

Hello Everyone,

This whole not knitting thing is kind of bumming me out. Especially because I literally have BASKETS of new yarn in never-before-knitted-with-by-me colours. I'm not really having the best week, so to cheer myself up I'm going to start updating my illustrations page more (it's my left wrist that's healing, so drawing can't bug it too much.. thank goodness I'm a righty!)

Check it out here!

This Tuesday Treasures is a little less cutesy that usual (mood?) but I came across some really cool things on Etsy this week, so I thought I'd share.

 I'm in love with these city-landmark inspired prints! Such a great idea! 

Fable and Fury is one of my favourite Etsy shops. They have THE neatest things there. I love how big their necklaces are, and I love the obscure/creepy themes. I'm super attracted to large necklaces right now because I just bought one for my birthday (waves flag sarcastically) that turned out smaller than a penny. I'm a little disappointed. Fable and Fury has a necklace that has REDRUM and an axe on it that I'm rather fond of (I grew up on horror movies, okay??)

Speaking of growing up, I can't believe I've never showcased anything with my high school celebrity crush on it. Yup, that'd be Mr. Manson up there. While a little unstable, he is very intelligent and rather a good singer/writer/director/artist. What can I say, I like my guys well rounded! (and tattooed and skinny) Isn't that print of him amazing? (Yes, I like horror movies, sing with gusto to Manson in my car, knit like an old lady and collect vintage figurines...)

Back to something a bit more cute. I am in LOVE with this collar. The big black bow is adorable and it kind of reminds me of Sailor Moon (another childhood love) 

Anyways, that's this week's Tuesday Treasures! The sun is out right now and it's hard to believe it's 7pm!

Hope everyone has a lovely week!

Tuesday Treasures


After a few weeks of letting it slip (how do the weeks go so fast anyways? It's madness!) here's this week's Tuesday Treasures!

Not too much to report here, except Spring is on its way, and the dreaded daylight savings time is upon us. (Boo! Getting up at 6am was bad enough.. now I have to wake up at 5am!)  I was perfectly happy with sleeping in, getting to work in the daylight, and not having it be light at 7pm. Silliness indeed! It was lovely waking up this morning listening to the rain... and so hard to get out of bed! In other news, I was an idiot and tripped in the dark and fell on my bad wrist on the weekend (no alcohol involved I might add--- just stupidity.) Thanks to my wrist brace for making the work week (and this post) possible.

Here's this week's Tuesday Treasures!

Cemetery Part II

I had no idea that such a beautiful place existed in my city. Victoria is old (older than Canada in fact, with settlement starting in 1843.. which is pretty impressive considering you can't get much more west than us!) Our downtown is filled with charming old buildings, but for some reason I didn't think we'd have a cemetery to match. I started out near the ocean, where the smaller, more simple headstones are. They're beautiful and peaceful in their own way, but I hoped to find at least a few stunning examples of the workmanship of the old days. Then I came across her...

Wow. This is probably one of my favourite photos from the day. I can't quite describe her expression... she doesn't look peaceful or protective... more stricken... it's rather haunting actually.

I may have squealed when I came across this. (as in appropriate as heel clicking, I know.) From the headstones, I believe the demographics in Victoria were probably heavily English Protestant, and, as I studied religion a lot in my history degree, I believe that protestants usually back away from the gaudy and opulent..... This lovely gentleman and lady are Italian. Absolutely amazing! 

Also a large Scottish Population! (Like my ancestors!)

This fellow was my age when he died over 100 years ago. So sad.

Even more hauntingly beautiful in silhouette

I love how nature always finds its way into things crafted by humans.... so beautiful.

Such a sad story!

Cemetary Part 1