...craft fair update...

Thank you for reading! I've been positively swamped-- I've finished 30 dolls for the Craft Fair on November 26th + 27th, 24 sets of wine charms, 10 sets of earrings and over 60 necklaces. Looking over it now, I can't quite comprehend that I created all of this in such a short time. Once I realize how much stock I actually created, we had to come up with how to display it. Click on the image below for our "Mock Up" of our craft table.

I tried to create different levels, so our table would be more attractive. The chrome jewellery spinner was a great find, at Matthew's Fixtures. I purchased silver organza cords for the pendants for display purposes, as well as to wear if the customer chooses. We decided on a blue/white/silver winter theme instead of the traditional red and green, which might have been overwhelming with our products. (It also happens to be my cousin's and my favourite colour combination). I found some cute fabric, which we are using in various ways on the table. My lovely boyfriend built what I call the "dolly bench", and my mother (who is much better with a sewing machine) covered it in the said fabric. I'm extremely pleased with how it turned out! (I will post photos of the actual fair).

The Wine Charms appear to be very popular. My Aunt from the mainland actually bought 5 sets while she was visiting because she liked them so much (!!!), so I am awaiting more supplies in the mail. The only hitch I came across while making them were poor manufacturing of the crystal beads. It's delightful when half the beads fit on the wire, while the others get stuck and/or crack. This also feels great on the fingers. I ended up using a bead reamer on the poorly manufactured ones... with about a 50% success rate.

This photograph is taken with an actual chain, not the organza chain, but I really love the copper coloured ones. I will create a gallery of jewellery as a fixed page on the blog, so you can see more. Much of it is also on my Facebook Page.

I included a picture of myself with most of the dolls that I've knit... It feels like a milestone in a lot of ways. My first Craft Fair venture! Keep your fingers crossed for me! (And hope that the barn is well heated, the horse is farther away than it looks, and that people are blown away by our creations and purchase lots!) Thanks again for reading, and I do apologize if update sporadically in the next few weeks. I've decided to completely reorganize the yarn-hurricane that has become my apartment, before starting on the 10 Christmas orders.

Wish me luck!


Autumn and Dollies Oh My!

I love fall. I love the sound of crunching leaves, cuddling up inside, and taking walks through the crisp air. I even had tea and oatmeal for breakfast. I love the grey skies-- it's so much softer than the blaring sun. It's also a lot better for staying inside knitting dolls! I've made a small dent in my quota recently-- plan to try and make two more today, if possible. I've briefly thought about how I want to set up our table, but I really just need to make as much product as possible before I worry about how to display it! Wish me luck!

Enjoy your first weekend of fall!

And so it begins

After scoping out every conceivable type of craft fair-- I have submitted our application and been accepted. So many of the larger fairs charge 500-800+ dollars for a booth-- so unless you are selling diamond rings-- there won't be too much of a profit margin. I finally found the "Christmas in the Manger" craft fair, which is held at the Saanich Fairgrounds in Brentwood Bay. My cousin and I are splitting the cost of a table-- I will be selling my Sea Glass jewellery and my knitted dolls, she will be selling her handmade cards. I advise buying a necklace for a gift, a lovely card to send with it, and a sweet dollie for yourself (haha). Apparently we're out in a barn--- with limited heating possibilities. We'll see how 12 hours over the weekend will be-- the last weekend before December. We tried to find a warm, cozy, small scale school craft fair-- but apparently the people who run them are very elitist... so here we are in a barn. I did go there last year-- and found it to be quite busy- so at least that's a plus!

Now that I've been accepted---- I realize that I've never quite paid attention to how things are displayed... but I do have some ideas (my boyfriend might have to help me build them, however) it's all a little overwhelming. Besides creating displays, pricing everything, creating gift tags and buying bags-- I have to literally sit down for the next few weeks and knit with abandon. I've decided I need at least 20 mini dolls and 10-15 large ones-- each take a day at the least-- so hopefully the weather is rotten so I can stay inside with my tea, turn on Turner Classic Movies and knit.

I'm also having surgery in late October, and am missing Halloween (I wish it was Christmas- I love Halloween the best!) so I plan on knitting throughout my recovery. I had the same surgery a year ago when I was teaching myself to knit-- and knit an entire baby sweater (it was fairly terrible-- but I was learning) so I estimate I'll be able to make at least 5-6 mini dolls in that duration. I just finished my "Frankie" Doll--- The Bride of Frankenstein--- to make up for my stolen Halloween-- she turned out great!

Anyways- I'll keep updating through this process-- posting new pictures of completed work as well as documenting the journey of preparing and selling at a craft fair!

Thanks for all the Likes on Facebook! I really appreciate it!