
Happy New Year Everyone!

I hope everyone had a lovely New Years Eve. Last year we had a big party- appetizers, drinks, decorations. I drank only three drinks and spent the night sleeping in the bathroom. Last year's New Years resolution was to never drink again. I've almost recovered.

This year, we kept it simple, ate some of the enormous stash of chocolate we received for Christmas (I've hidden it in the cupboard and am pretending it doesn't exist), and watched movies.

When it came to twelve o'clock-- we were faced with watching Simple Plan perform on the Canadian countdown (really Canada?)-so we decided to see the pretty fireworks on the Space Needle in Seattle instead. I love New Years Eve kisses-- especially with the pretty glow from a Christmas tree in the background.

I've never been much of a resolutions person, but this year feels different. At 22, I feel like I've come to a crossroads in my life. While I am going to take a seven-month medical office assistance course, I did finish off a four year history degree and graduated in the fall. Now that I won't be a gigantic stress ball with my nose in 12 library books, eating Kimchi in my pajamas, and tearing apart my house to find lost items due to my exam fried brain-- I have no excuse to be stressed, to eat badly, not exercise or to be a mess. My extremely methodical, tidy boyfriend will also benefit from my New Years Resolutions...

  • Eat healthier. Learn to cook more nutritious meals. Eat Breakfast etc.
  • Exercise more. This Christmas was brutal on my waistline (so was four years of University-- who am I kidding?) I will not be the person who starves themselves and runs twice and quits by February. I bought an elliptical at a boxing week sale. I've also signed up for Spark People. It's a great resource, tracks progress, and has fantastic recipes. (I already made a Mango Salsa from their website-- it was delicious). I'm actually excited to start. I'm hoping that I'll be in a bikini on our second Annual trip to Parksville this summer. ^_^
  • Grow my hair. I have compulsively cut off most or all (the buzzcut was unfortunate) my hair every year I have lived here. I have masses of thick, wavy, wool-like hair. Every time it almost reaches my shoulders (at max-poof) I chop it off. This summer, true to form, I chopped it into a pixie. Now it's meandering into a sort-of-bob. Thank god for hairbands. By next Christmas, I'm hoping I will have hair.
  • Get a real job. My decision to go back to school was a hard one, (I'm still waiting to hear when the next session is), but I think gaining the skills for gainful employment (teehee) will be extremely worthwhile. It's intensely expensive to live in Victoria (small, bungalow on no lot= 400,000-500,000) so I need to have a good job. While being receptionist isn't my dream job-- I'll still have Blue Anchor Crafts as my hobby (and for a release of my pent up creative energy).
  • Blog more. I enjoy writing. I also enjoy coming up with things to write about. It's fun to spend an evening looking at inspiring things on Etsy, taking my camera out into the city and snapping some photos, knitting a new doll to share etc. It's fun to have a venue for arts and crafts
  • Be tidier. I'm a whirlwind. My mind usually has way too many ideas, usually on 5 different topics, at the same time. I'm constantly misplacing things. I need to keep things in order-- even if I'm in the middle of a craft hurricane.

Thanks so much for reading! Do you have any resolutions? Comment below!